Registration, Oakridge Classic Houseleague Tournament, 2018-2019 (Oakridge Aeros Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
Registration is now open. Please refresh your browser if you previously attempted to register.

Oakridge teams should use email below to register off-line and receive the discounted rate

[email protected] 

Make sure to use a newer browser such as Chrome to open registration.

First Time Registrant

Previous registrant use

Novice $800

Minor Atom or Atom  $825
Minor Peewee or Peewee $850
Minor Bantam or Bantam $875
Minor Midget or Midget $895

Cheque (Off Line) or On-line Credit Card (with extra fee applied)

Cheque mailed to:

Oakridge Aeros Hockey
c/o Ms. Pat Caron
689 Santa Monica Rd.
London, ON

N6H 3W5