General Information (Oakridge Aeros Minor Hockey)


PrintGeneral Information


No Game may proceed with less then 2 carded referees.  Coaches and referees who fail to comply not only face suspension but risk the loss of insurance coverage in the event of a serious injury. This is a firm Hockey Canada Rule.

Helmets are mandatory for all coaches whenever they are on the ice without exception and will face suspension for failing to comply.

Due to strict Hockey Canada Insurance guidelines, Parent/Player games are not allowed.

Holders of a current Level One Trainers Certificate can be upgraded to Level Two by providing proof of a valid First Aid certification to the Alliance Office in Stratford. After that, as long as the First Aid certification is maintained, the Trainers Certificate never expires! (Meaning you don't have to retake level one every 3 years). If your workplace pays for First Aid training this is a great way to reduce the costs to the Organization and provide the League with better qualified Trainers.


It is the responsibility of the Head Coach of all House League and Competitive teams to place a copy of all exhibition and tournament game sheets in any of the London Arena game sheet boxes.

The League Commissioners collect and register all penalties from these sheets. Failure to do so could result in the Head Coach facing suspension and/or subsequent games being forfeited. Penalties and suspensions carry over from year to year.

Please verify that all required information has been put on game sheets.

This includes: 
  • "Date and Location"
  • "Game Number"
  • "Complete Rosters" including any suspensions that are being served on that game.