2024-25 House League Updates
As another season is upon us, we have offered prep skates to all applicable age groups and our competitive teams (at time of this post) are ramping up for tryouts.
As our prep skates were not an assessment, but a chance to practice and work out any cobwebs, this note is focused on our house league assessments and their schedule.
We require players to wear FULL equipment:
· Mandatory items include - shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, shin guards, hockey pants, athletic supporter, neck guards, helmet with cage and stick
· Mouth guards are also worn but they are optional
· Practice jerseys and socks
Team jersey and socks will NOT be available at assessments but will be provided once teams are created.
House League Assessments schedule (all ice times are 50mins):

If you have questions please email the appropriate Convenor for your child's age group: https://oakridgeaeroshockey.ca/Staff/1003/
We thank you for your support of all our coaches, volunteers and our City of London staff who have spend hours getting the rinks ready to roll.
Please note U18 and U21 players will be notified separately of ice times late September.