Feb 09, 2014 | Dave Bishop | 1542 views
Game changes etc.
An over site on my part, I guess the practice was cancelled back in October, I just had always assuned that we would always have a Tuesday practice. The reason for the loss of ice is Oakridge had to give backe ice to West as they mis calculated on how much ice they needed. Also the March 18th game has been changed to Feb 25th. This means we have an extremely busy couple of weeks. From Feb 18th to March 1st we have 3 practices and 6 games. The other good news is Sarnia is asking to switch the March 8th game to March 2nd.
This would mean we would only play on March 10th on March break, so for those who are going away you will only miss 1 game, o and I like Gibsons or Grey Goose. I will also be looking for some extra ice this weekend, and i understand that its family day weekend and some will be away, no problem. CYA Wednesday night.