Jan 25, 2014 | Dave Bishop | 908 views
This and That
Wow!!!!!!!! hard fought spirited game today. The kids played hard and gave everything they had today. We finished the regular season with a 14-9-2 record. We are very happy with this record and we feel that we can win the league with the continued hard work and effort that we as coaches have been asking for. It was one of our team goals to finsih 1st or 2nd in the league, we finished 3rd but thats ok, we finished strong and the kids now believe they can beat anyone.
We have alot of hockey coming up in the next 5 weeks, if your child is unable to attend a practice or game please give me 24hrs notice if possible. I sent a email out a week or so ago asking if anyone had an issue with going into the Milton tournament and then going to the Alliance Championship the following weekend in St Catherine's assuming we qualify. I heard back from very few that they thought we should only go into one of the tournaments, The result is we are going into both, again assuming we qualify for St Catherines, we need to finish in the top four of the playoffs. There were 3 games scheduled for March Break, we have changed one and hopefully the March 15th game vs North will be changed as well to March 4th.
I have been sent a reminder from the VP of competitive hockey for Oakridge, that if any parent has an issue with a coach, a player, or a parent, on the team that you use the 24hour rule, and that you contact me. You can ask to speak to me at any time.
We have truly enjoyed the first part of the year and are looking forward to the remainder of the season.
Dave B and the coaching staff.