Sep 14, 2019 | Kyle McClennan | 1656 views
MD1 Team Selection and Parent/Player Meeting
Hello Everyone,
After 2 very exciting games and a great development skate, I couldn't be happier with the progress I have seen. I have had the honor of watching you in your hockey adventure and am so impressed in the players you have all become. We are very lucky to have such a strong group of players and committed volunteers that make Oakridge such a strong and amazing program. Everyone should be very proud of themselves.
For those of you not selected below, you will continue with the MD2 tryout. Please report to the MD2 tryout skate Sunday September 15, 10:00 - 11:20 am at Carling B. For those of you that have been selected there is a practice, Sunday September 15, 8:30 - 9:20 am. This will be followed by a player and parent meeting at Oakridge Arena in the Optimist room from 10:30 - 12:00. Please limit to one parent with player as the room is small.
I would like to welcome the following to be a part of the Oakridge Aeros MD1.
Allain, R
Attard, T
Chen, Y
De Grandpre, R
Dodge, S
Duench, J
Gurski, E
Kim, L
Lee, J
Lu, M
McClennan, T
McIntosh, P
Moody, N
Ridler, K
Stokley, F
VanderHeide, N
Zhang, G
Thank you all and have a great Season.