Sep 07, 2022 | Kyle M | 215 views
U8 Prep skates
Hi Parents, I want to invite all players registered for U8 (2015 born) this up coming season to Prep skate.
This is open to all players and is here to get back on the ice. Players registered have been divided into two groups, alphabetically.
Players with the last name from A-O in the alphabet should attend the first hour of the Prep skate sessions. Players with last names starting with P-Z should attend the second hour of the Prep skate sessions.
Ice Times are:
Thursday, September 8 (A-O @ 5:00pm and P-Z @ 6:00pm) Lambeth
Saturday, September 10 (A-O @ 830 am and P-Z @ 9:30 am) Bostwick Pad B
Sunday, September 11 (A-O @ 830 am and P-Z @ 9:30 am) Nichols B
Saturday, September 17 (A-O @ 830 am and P-Z @ 9:30 am) Kinsmen B
No evaluations will take place. Try-out to follow.
Information about tryouts will be posted on the team page. The tryout times are on the team calendar.
I hope to see you at the rink
Kyle McClennan