Dec 03, 2021 | David Brebner | 177 views
U9 A2 Update
Saturday's Game is a Practice and Team Photos
Good afternoon all,
- Saturday’s Game is now a practice
- I have been informed that there was a confirmed case of COVID on the Bandits team that West London U9 B2 HL played last Sunday.
- Since West London U9 B2 is now considered high risk, they are required to isolate for 10 days and are not allowed to play this week.
- We will still have a “game” on Saturday, but we will split the team into two.
- Photos – As mentioned, we will be taking individual photos at Camera Canada. Here are the instructions they have provided me:
- Individual Player Photos can be taken (by appointment) Monday – Thursday 3pm-6:30pm (and tomorrow, Saturday Dec 4 between 9am and 1pm).
- To make an appointment, email [email protected] with a few dates and times that work for you and they will try and make one of them work. Do not call the store – this was in all caps when it was sent to me.
- Player photos will be UPPER BODY ONLY because there is no dressing room facilities in the mall. Players should bring jersey, gloves, stick and shoulder pads with dark pants.
- Team photos will be created from individual player photos assembled into a team collage. All players will be photographed whether they are purchasing individual photos or not.
- Players receive one FREE team photo if every player is photographed.
- If the parent volunteers wish to be in the team photo, they need to be photographed as well.
- Please let me know after you’ve had your photo taken so I can keep track.
Kind regards,
David Brebner