Mar 09, 2015 | Rich Palser | 1734 views
End of the Season
Hi parents,
Unfortunately our season has come to an end however we do
have 3 practices remaining (March 10th, 17th & 24th)
which we fully intend to use and have some fun with the kids. Please make
sure to have your player at practice as ice time is ice time and they still
have time left to be on the ice together as a team. Some of you may
also be trying out for Knights/Mustangs so it won’t hurt to stay sharp.
While we didn't achieve my goal of making the top 4 and challenging for the title, I believe we did achieve our goal of developing these kids into better hockey players and teammates. The boys played some of their best hockey as a team the last few weeks and the hockey gods (yes they really do exist Sherry) just were not on our side this year.
Coaching aside and as a parent, I’m very happy my son Drew was able to be a part of such a nice, positive group of kids, parents and coaches. Drew made a bunch of new buddies that I hope he’s able to hang out and play with for years to come. Wins are great but hockey buddies are priceless and can last a lifetime (some of my best pals today are those I played Oakridge hockey with when I was this age).
They were all smiles in the room after yesterday’s game which shows great character. I asked what each of their favourite things about the season were and got some awesome answers. Detroit/hotel was a popular choice (it always is), Red Wings game, Kitchener, beating the Bandits, winning Motown Cup bronze, meeting new friends and the best response COACH RICH!!! (thank you DJ and Sawyer).
I would also like to thank my coaching staff who were really amazing to work with this year. Special mention to my good buddy coach Chris who came out of retirement (for those who don’t know Chris played for me back in his Midget hockey days and coached on my staffs for years after finishing his Junior hockey career) and put a lot of time and effort into the team as a non-parent.
We are targeting Saturday April 11th for the team party. I will confirm all the details ASAP and will give you a final update on the budget after all the planning is done.
Again, I hope all of you and your families enjoyed being part of the Minor Atom Aeros team as much as we did. If so don’t forget to fill out the parent survey :).
See you tomorrow.
Coach Rich