Sep 10, 2012 | mfoote | 2031 views
2012 - 2013 Minor Novice Team
I would like to thank all of the players and parents for participating in the tryouts for the Oakridge Aeros Minor Novice competitive team.
The decisions were very difficult and took a long time to make. The 2012/13 Minor Novice competitive team is:
Alexander Akena
Will Bishop
Carter Bradburn
Forrest Crowther
Owen Davy
Ethan Dawe
Liam Elliston
Tyrell Hill
Gavin Howard
Jacob Lindsay
Cooper Martin
Drew Palser
Adrian Prueter
Jeremiah Roller
Caelan Shimizu
Logan VanDierendonck
We will be contacting the other players released to House League in early October about AP opportunities. Best of luck to everyone in their upcoming hockey season.
Coach Rob