Guidelines, Oakridge Bob Stark Jamboree (Oakridge Aeros Minor Hockey)



The Jamboree will follow Novice half-ice game play rules implemented by the OMHA.  These rules have been created to maximize player engagement by increasing the opportunities to interact with the puck and other players. A simplified version of the game allows younger players to focus on elements of the game they enjoy most. 


  • 4 vs. 4 format in each half-ice area
  • Each team is required to have a goalie for each half-ice area
  • 3 minute warm up 
  • Black Puck will be utilized
  • No centre-ice line, therefore no icing
  • No blue-lines in play, therefore no offsides
  • No score is kept


  • Boards/Barriers will be placed along the centre red line to divide the two ends
  • Game length will be 44 minutes (two - 22 minute periods)
  • Shift lengths will be 60 seconds with an automatic buzzer to indicate players change
  • The clock continues to run throughout the 22 minute half 
  • Main score clock will be utilized to keep time for both games simultaneously
  • Home team will defend the ends of the rink
  • Visiting teams will defend the centre-ice nets
  • Teams will share the player benches with each team using the gate closest to the net they are defending
  • Visiting team will switch ends and benches at end of first half
  • Both games will be synchronized 
  • Officials work together to keep the games synchronized 
  • There will be two face-offs during the game; 
  • The first face-off will start the game 
  • The second face-off with start the second half                          


  • On the buzzer, players must relinquish control of the puck immediately and vacate the ice. The new players enter the ice immediately 
  • Failure to immediately relinquish control of the puck or new players entering the ice surface prematurely may result in a penalty for the offending team 
  • If there are fewer than four players on the bench, the active player designate to stay out for the following shift must tag up at the bench prior to continuing play 


  • Goaltender freezes the puck- the official blows the whistle to indicate the attacking team backs off and defending team gets possession 
  • Puck shot out of play- the offending team backs off and the official gives the non-offending team a new puck 


  • Minor penalties are noted with the official briefly raising their arm to indicate a penalty will be assessed. At the conclusion of the shift, the official notifies the coach of the infraction and the number of the offending player. 
  • If the offending team controls the puck after the infraction, the official blows the whistle and calls for a change of possession; the non-offending team is given room to play the puck
  • The offending player will sit out the next shift, but the team will play even strength 
  • Should an infraction occur that would normally require a player to be ejected from the game (game misconduct, match penalty or gross misconduct), the player will be removed from the remainder of that game.