General Information, Oakridge Aeros House League Classic, 2015-2016 (Oakridge Aeros Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintGeneral Information
14th Annual Oakridge Aeros House League Classic - Friday, February 12 - 14th, 2016

Alliance Sanction # 16-021

Registration and Hotel information on left side menu

Minor or Major Novice $790
Minor or Major Atom $815
Minor or Major Peewee $840
Minor or Major Bantam $865
Minor or Major Midget $895

No gate fees - three games guaranteed (non-curfewed)

Most teams will play Friday during the daytime hours.

Once complete, please print your email and send with your cheque payable to Oakridge Aeros Hockey to

Oakridge Aeros Hockey
c/o Ms. Pat Caron
689 Santa Monica Rd
London ON
N6H 3W5

Contact: Pat Caron
Email: [email protected]