Rzone Policy - City of London Arenas, News, Oakridge Aeros House League Classic, 2015-2016 (Oakridge Aeros Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 24, 2016 | Pat Caron | 1039 views
Rzone Policy - City of London Arenas
All teams should be aware of the City of London's Rzone policy

Rzone Policy
  What is Rzone and how does it apply to me as a visitor to a City of London recreation facility?

  Rzone is, first and foremost, a proactive education and awareness strategy to promote respectful and responsible behaviour at City of London recreation facilities. The Rzone brand signifies “Respect and Responsibility” as personal qualities expected of ALL visitors to any City of London recreation facilities.

  Rzone means that inappropriate behaviours such as bullying, belligerence, racism, discrimination, vandalism, violence, etc are prohibited and that offenders will be subject to consequences up to and including denying access or being asked to leave City of London recreation facilities.

The following behaviours are considered inappropriate under Rzone

For the purpose of London’s Rzone Policy, prohibited inappropriate behaviours include:

  1. Violence or harassment, including:

    • the exercise of physical force by a person against another person that causes or could cause physical injury to the other person;

    • an attempt to exercise physical force against another person that could cause physical injury to the other person;

    • a statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a person to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the person that could cause physical injury to the person;

  • the use of profane or abusive language and racial or ethnic slurs;

  • threats and/or attempts to intimidate;

  • throwing of articles or objects in a deliberate or aggressive manner that endangers or causes injury or damage to any person or property;

  • attempts to goad or incite violence;

  • bullying, mistreatment, or teasing which intimidates, humiliates or demeans another person;

  1. Vandalism, including vandalism to buildings, contents or personal property;

  2. Possession of weapons or firearms prohibited under the Criminal Code;

  3. Possession or consumption of illegal drugs, or of alcohol except as authorized by law;

  4. Any contravention of other Federal or Provincial laws, Regulations, City By-laws or policies that constitute inappropriate behaviour;

  5. Refusal to follow the rules established by the City for use of its facilities.

Any visitor to a City of London recreation facility that does not demonstrate acceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the facility immediately. Please join us in making the City of London recreation facilities a great place to play!