Some food for thought before the season starts, News, Oakridge B4, CHL U10-U11 Teams, 2014-2015, U10-U11 Teams (Oakridge Aeros Minor Hockey)


This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 27, 2014 | Mitchell Dwyer | 828 views
Some food for thought before the season starts
Being a coach for over 10 years now and taking on many different roles, on many different teams, I have become very aware of the importance of making sure kids enjoy playing hockey. 

It does not matter what age or level of hockey, parents and coaches need to set an example for their children, acting respectfully towards all people. Setting this example will help provide players with an environment where they can enjoy playing hockey without the fear of backlash if they make a mistake or do something wrong. Developing a players hockey skills is a major part of being a coach, but I believe developing a players love for the game of hockey is as important. Below is a funny yet educational video about a 9 year old's view point on minor hockey in Canada. Hope you all enjoy!