Jan 05, 2014 | Chris Veillon | 762 views
When The Top Is In Reach
When things start to click, it is amazing how fast you can rise to the top.
With a 5 game win streak and just a few points out of first place, the AEROS B8 have been playing great hockey in recent weeks.
What has steadily improved has been our passing and increase in shooting. Shifting some players around has permitted us to put more pucks in the back of the net.
We can not lose sight that it takes all players on the team to contribute to the win. Second and third efforts produce more opportunities which turn in to goals.
Give 110% every time you step on the ice, for however long it may be. Play your position; go where you want the puck to be, not where it was.
As we head down the home stretch before the playoffs, finishing 1st overall is very much in reach for us, keep working hard and we will get there.
See you at the rink.